Monday, December 31, 2007

Promyvion - Holla

Today, after much persuasion, Feng and I got of our lazy butts and did Promyvion - Holla. Although we may level like crazy, we're really lazy in doing missions. >.>
Surprisingly, it went really well. We totally owned the boss. Auto, who went Summoner, didn't even have to two-hour. We were that good. ;)

That was the last promy Feng, Auto, and I needed so we were transported to Lufaise Meadows. :D Tavnazian Safehold was mildly interesting...

Saturday, December 29, 2007

BCNM 40 Royal Jelly

Today there was a full moon so Feng and I gathered some people together to do BCNM 40 Royal Jelly. We got Autoshot, Tyrus, Bizzle, and Ieatschicken to come. We did it a lot of times sucessfully, but all we got were crap drops. Some full moon this was. >.>

Tyrus, the lucky tarutaru, got Utsusemi: Ni on both of his orbs. D:

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Starlight Celebration~

I love this Christmas event. :D Sooo fun~ Here's some randomness. Can you find me? >.>


Today's mission was to finish ZM6-13. :D There weren't too many deaths and things went pretty smoothly.

ZM6 was fairly easy. We had to do two runs since there were 8 people who need the mission. ^^

The first run, all the tarus died. >.>

ZM8 was fun. :D A couple of people died, but we were able to finish it. lol

ZM12 was a piece of cake. ;) The pot went down fast. Now all we need to do AA or DM. >.>

Thursday, December 20, 2007

More ZM5

Today we helped some others finish up ZM5. :) Fun Fun.

We were successful, but as always, people died. >.>

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today my ls went for ZM5. woot. >.> It's so annoying running around. Chivalry has saved my life too many times now. :P We're doing the ones where we fight first. Everyone else needed to go solo the others after. So off to Ifrit's Cauldron we went.

After successfully killing the two opo-opos after dying multiple times on the way, we went to Behemoth's Dominion. I rounded up some leeches and killed them while we waited for the others to come.

Freak accidents occurred while I tanked one of the weapons. >.> Many people died.

Anyway, we raised and continued on. The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah was a good fight. ^^ No deaths lol.

In Cape Teriggan, we weren't so lucky. :/ Lots of death on the way.

It was a very busy and stressful day. I feel like passing out now...

Monday, December 17, 2007


Woot! Finally got 3 merits and put them into Chivalry! :D I love this job ability so much.... Next up is Shield Skill.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


*ahem* >.> Yesterday, my ls completed Promyvion - Mea. We died the first boss fight, but managed to kill him the second time. ^^ woot. Forgot to take pictures though. :(

Anyhow, today we headed off to do ZM4! Kaishen, our wondrous leader, lead the way. Tonberry mayhem ensues.

Since we had 12 people, excluding Kai since he had already done the boss fight, we spilt into 2 parties. Both parties kill the bosses the first try. :D All of this took about.. 2 hours and 30 minutes. >.>

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Moshi's Goodbye Party

Today was Moshi's last day so we held him a goodbye party. Moshi was quitting the game and giving his things to friends. :(

We're all sad to see him go, but we hope he has a good time with his girlfriend. ^^

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Tigress Strikes

Today Montek and I went to go do The Tigress Strikes, a Windurst Past quest. In it, we had to kill a War Lynx. I died when it did Blink of Peril and one-shotted me. ; ; But since Mon kicks ass, he was able to kill it. :D

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Paladin 75!

Woohoo! I finally hit 75! :D Time for merits~

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sleepga II Part 2

Try #2. Made sure Feng and Kai had the quest this time. lol. It was easy getting there, but we were pressed on time. Maintenance was going to happen in 30 minutes. D: Amazingly we succeeded with 8 minutes to spare. :P

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Feng and I went to Beadeaux to farm Astolpho a Warrior's Testimony. Death as usual. >.> After being raised by Zodia, we tried a couple more times, but nothing dropped. D: Soon we had to leave since it was getting late.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sleepga II

So Kai and Feng decided to go get Sleepga II so they can sell. >.> Of course, I had to come along. They had done all the prequests except for the Garlaige Citadel part. So that was the first thing on our list.

Then we gathered some people from the ls for the Agas fight. We headed to the Boyahda Tree, prepared and ready. When we reached the ???, it turns out that they forgot to activate the new quest. o.o It was getting late so we opted to do it another day. lol

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sandy Mission 2-3

Today Fengpopo and I tried to help Elysian get rank 3. We thought we could do it with just the three of us. PLD, BLM, WAR. We thought wrong.

Thanks to Tyrus and Redmg, we got it done. :D

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trial Weapons and Whitemage AF

Today Fengpopo and I decided to break our latents on our trial weapons. We chose to go to Castle Zvahl Baileys. >.> We seem to always die there...

Luckily, Darshawn came by gave us a Raise II. :D We then went off to help Dar get his whitemage AF and work on our latents at the same time. We got him his Garlaige Citadel coffer key, but the Crawler's Nest one didn't work out so well. :(

I ended up breaking my latent though. ^^

Thursday, November 29, 2007

WotG Mission 2

So I've been doing some of the missions in the new expansion, Wings of the Goddess. It's been really fun since most of it is cutscenes and quests. ^^ Although it takes me forever to get from one place to another. >.>

Done my first assault mission too. :D It was easier than I thought it would be.