Thursday, November 29, 2007

WotG Mission 2

So I've been doing some of the missions in the new expansion, Wings of the Goddess. It's been really fun since most of it is cutscenes and quests. ^^ Although it takes me forever to get from one place to another. >.>

Done my first assault mission too. :D It was easier than I thought it would be.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Castle Zvahl Baileys coffer and keys

Today we were heading off to Castle Zvahl Baileys. But first we decided to do Kaishen's Warrior body and then Fengpopo's Samurai head.

Off to Behemoth's Dominion!

The fight was easy. ^^ Kai kited two goblins as we killed one and picked the others off.

Then we went to Waughroon Shrine for Feng's AF head. It was crowded. >.> Only six of us could go in, but it went well.

Castle Zvahl Baileys. I worked on my Spara of Trials while we killed the mobs. Tachi:Gekko > Swift Blade = Darkness (3pts) :D I want my Savage Blade!

More killing. We only got one key to drop and it didn't go to anyone of the people who needed it. ; ;

After a couple of hours with no sucess, we gave up. D:

Although we did manage to kill a NM. >.>

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Koenig Shield!

Woot! After farming for a couple of days, I finally bought my Koenig shield! :D Time to go back to leveling. :P

Friday, November 23, 2007

Eldieme Necropolis coffers and keys

This weekend, Rapture is dedicated to getting people AF. :) First up was the Eldieme Necropolis. Hell hole. >.>

Got the first two keys without much hassle. Buuut.. with our bad luck, or maybe just mine.. we ended up linking two other mobs while fighting one. ; ; Total wipe except the mithra remained... I still can't believe I survived. D: I ended up soloing one in the end. Thank god for my Durandel and Hercule's Ring.

During the process of me raising everyone, more linkage ensues. Death.

Everyone's raised and now we're off to find coffers. :D

Of course, I eventually had to die. D: Fell down a hole and got mass aggroed.

; ;

We were lucky (and sneaky >:D) and got all three coffers. DS fight was next. He got owned.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Warrior AF

Helped Kaishen get his AF feet. We were kinda cocky and thought we could duo it. >.>
73 Paladin + 50 Warrior =/= Success.
We both died. lol So we gathered some people from the linkshell to help us. The redmage felt like soloing it so we let him. :o

Then we were off to fight some leeches for parasite skin for the last part of the quest. Fun~

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Paladin AF

So today I helped Ieatschicken get his paladin AF feet. It went surprisingly well. ^^

Monday, November 19, 2007

Level 73!

Hello, Adaman Armor. ;) hehe Now I have to farm for a week to afford my Koenig Shield... ; ;

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rank 7

Rapture planned a Sandy rank 7 run today, including Windy 6-1. There were.. a couple of complications. ^^;

Windurst 6-1 was first. It went fine until some people started attacking when the redmage was sleeping the cardinal we pulled. >.> Luckily, the redmage was pimp, slept it again, and we continued on. ^^

Sandy 6-1 went according to plan except that I didn't get the key item. ; ; Everyone else did, but the Mithra was left out... So we ended up having to kill the cactaur again. It wasn't much of a hassle though.

Sandy 6-2 was a bit more problematic. >.> So before most of us got to King Ranperre's Tomb, three people who were ahead of us had died since one of them spawned the mobs by accident. :( After Raise IIs by our glorious whitemages, we prepared to fight them correctly. But of course, more problems arise. Someone spawns them again before a couple of people were raised and unweakened. He dies. Some people run away and wait for them to despawn, that includes me. Others attack. >_> Hmmm. So we're all, "DAMNIT NOOOOOO!" But oh well.. They were fighting two of the skeletons so I chose to tank one, hoping that will improve our already diminishing survival rate. The fight goes on for a while. The only people still alive were three paladins and two whitemages. -.- Yeah. Amazingly we killed them and were still able to get the key item. ^^;

Friday, November 16, 2007

Samurai AF Part 2

Continued Fengpopo's samurai AF today. ^^ Almost died for the first two NMs and Dark Spark. >.>

Of course, Dark Spark was easy as hell. ;D /cough

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Samurai AF

Today I helped my sister, Fengpopo, get her samurai AF, the feet. We had to kill a roc so we were a bit afraid something would go horribly wrong. Luckily, the fight was easier than we thought. ^^

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Maat's Ass Kicked!

To start with something interesting, I fought Maat for the first time today. And I throughly taught him a lesson. >:D


Carbonara - 3.2k
Hi-Potion+3 x8 - 8k
Yagudo Drink x2 - 2.4k
Persiko au lait - 5k
Icarus Wing - 6k
Hi-Ether x3 - 4.5k

Total Cost : 29.1k

Yagudo Drink x1
Persiko au lait


Dark Staff > Macuahuitl +1
General's Shield
Gallant Coronet
Gallant Surcoat
Gallant Gauntlets
Gallant Breeches
Gallant Leggings
Parade Gorget > Shield Torque
Hospitaler Earring
Titanis Earring
Jelly Ring
Unyielding Ring
Warrior's Belt +1
Knightly Mantle
Bibiki Seashell


Str 55+5
Dex 58+7
Vit 58+22
Agi 49+5
Int 43-2
Mnd 52+4
Chr 49+6

Damage Taken : 2287
Damage Dealt : 1842

Clear Time : 7 minutes 9 seconds

Naked Mithra FTW!