Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Promathia Mission 3-5 + San d'Oria 8-1

We gathered Montek, Fengpopo, Ferntianio, Givio, Tyrus and I for Promathia Mission 3-5, Darkness Named, today. :D After we got our stuff ready, we fueled off and headed to Pso'Xja.

Fighting Diabolos was fairly simple, but Nightmare was a pain. XD Mon and I died, but we managed to kill Diabolos in the end. :)

Fernt, Faqu, Feng, and I decided to do San d'Oria 8-1 after the CoP mission. We were prepared for a tough fight, but the kraken, Valor, was { Too Weak }. XD He got owned.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Skill Ups

Today, after much boredom, I decided to join the ls in a skill up party. ^^ 48 Dark Magic FTL!

I started to fall asleep in about a hour, so I took a break. XD I did get Dark Magic to 85, though. ;)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

San d'Oria 7-2 and Chips

With the help of Ty (on Angron), Faqu, and Fernt, we got 7-2 done. :D Hello rank 8 and 60k!

Afterwards, we went chip farming in Pso'Xja. We got everyone who came a chip and now we're ready for CoP 3-5. >:D

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Promathia Mission 3-3

Promathia Mission 3-3 seemed like an easy task for the day. Little did we know it would be a huge headache. D:

We began with the Windurst portion. Killing the NM was easy....

Climbing up the mountain was a hassle. People kept falling off. :( It was hard...

Compared to the Windurst part, the Sandy part was extremely easy. >.>

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Promathia Mission 2-5 Attempt #2

Sooo, our goal for today was to finish CoP 2-5! >:D Armed with plenty of Yellow Liquids and our sexy 2hrs, we began our fight to the death! Our party consisted of PLD (tank), WAR (DD), DRK (DD), WHM (healer), THF (kiter), and RDM (kite healer).

And we won! :D HELL YEAH, 13 minutes and 11 seconds! After 93275482 tries, we finally won. XD

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Promathia Mission 2-5

Promathia Mission 2-5. I could feel death creeping towards me. >.> After another couple of hours waiting, we were ready. Riverne - Site #A01, here we come!

It was a quick, hour or so, sprint to Monarch Linn. We were ready to die! >:D The strategy we were using was two kiters (SMN), a healer (WHM), two DDs, and a tank (PLD).

It didn't end so well. hahaha. So after some tries, we decided on new strategy. One of our SMNs had to leave so the kiting bit would be a little more difficult. This try consisted of super-kiter (THF), kiter/kite healer (SMN), two DDs (WAR + BLU), and a tank (PLD). The first try was close, but the second was a success! :D

Buuut a couple of us, including me, weren't in that party so we've yet to finish this mission. D: We decided to change some of our jobs to better suit this set up. I changed from WHM to THF. Then we setted off to Monarch Linn again. But without the protection of a full alliance, we were having trouble killing the aggro in Riverne - Site #A01. >.>

Eventually, we got to Monarch Linn. It was time to beat those mammets!

Uhhhh... We died all four tries though. >.> Not sure why... Maybe it was the needed 2hrs or we were just unlucky... Anyhow, it was getting late so we had to stop for the day. ; ;

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Promathia Mission 2-3

The mission for today was CoP 2-3. :D After two or so hours of rounding up people, we headed off for Phomiuna Aqueducts.

Bizzle was assigned to go aggro Minotaur and Draw In the whole alliance. Sadly, Bizzle was killed along the way. D: I had to go raise him. ^^;

After I raised Bizzle, we started to head towards Minotaur. I lagged a little behind, casting sneak and such on myself. Suddenly the whole alliance was pulled into the Minotaur fight! @.@ Bizzle had aggroed Minotaur... And Ieatschicken, our paladin tank, had just gone {Bio}{Break}. >.> We survived with only a few deaths. hehe

On our way to the libary, we sort of accidently spilt up and got aggro. >.>;; The aggro owned a couple of us, but we managed to kill them and raise everyone.

2-3 Done! :D

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Promyvion - Mea

Promyvion - Mea for Ieastchicken, Versachi, and Williamo. ^^ WIN!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Shiva, Garuda, Ogmios.. Oh my

Today we set out to fight Shiva and Garuda. :D Seemed easy enough. On the way to Fei Yin, we might as well get Ieatschicken and Montek one of the ZM headstones and Miser Murphy for my RDM AF3. ;)

Miser Murphy went down fast. ^^

Shiva was quick too...

Except Chicken got hit by Diamond Dust. x.x

Death caught us too. XD Poor Mon didn't get his fork first so Auto, Feng, and I went in to see if we could kill Garuda.

That didn't happen... lol. Luckily, Mon was there to raise us. :D

We tried again, this time with Mon. Thanks to Mon, we owned her. ;) Afterwards, Auto suggested we kill his SMN AF3 NM. Easy. ^^

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hakutaku Eye Cluster Farming + Vouivre

Adventure of the Day: Hakutaku Eye Cluster Farming
Location: Ifrit's Cauldron

Today started with a harmless run to Ifrit's Cauldron to farm eye clusters. After running around and killing a couple Dodomekis, we ran into Vouivre. Hmmmm... We decided we could take it on. Really, a level 80 NM couldn't be that hard...

After raising a couple of us, a bomb self-destructed and one-shotted all of us, except Fokion. :P

We would have totally owned him if it wasn't for the massive amount of aggro. >.>

Friday, January 4, 2008

RDM AF: The Eldieme Necropolis

So I finally got Feng, the lazy little hoe, to help with my coffer key. >.> Appears that you can get tarutarus from coffers. o.o