Sunday, October 12, 2008

Professor Montek

I wonder if I'll ever update with actual content... Here's a picture of one of the Nyzul Isle runs I've been doing with Kaishen, Ravenspawn, Yanyan, Dgsoil, and Dtang to tide you over. :D

Yeah, I know. I'm so classy. Better quality next time, I promise. >.>


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Autoshot is not a BLU + Aeins!BLM

Look! Auto has blue mage relic!!! Sooo pretty~


I just like the pose and the armor, in my opinion. :x

Again, only the armor and pose pleases me. I guess you can call these pictures my experiments in detailed armor? XD

Next up will be... Montek and Kaishen? We'll see. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yanyan & Mr. Tiger

Yanyan claims to have conversations with his beasts. I wonder what they talk about...

Saturday, October 4, 2008