Friday, December 19, 2008

WoTG 10: Daughter of a Knight

Killing a tree is exciting.

Also, Rapture banner. Can be seen on Guildportal website. Yay.

Monday, December 15, 2008

SCH 60 & Soloing Awesomeness

Sometime this month, I hit Scholar 60! My AF looks so nice. I have spent many hours running around the city, admiring my skirt.

Also, in a random urge to solo something, I have beaten Disaster Idol for CoP 5-3 Tenzen Path. I started the fight on Darksday. Not a very bright idea since he continuously Sleepga II'ed my shadows away... Luckily it quickly ended, and on Firesday he was much easier. Glad my mediocre soloing skills could kill him. :)