Monday, February 25, 2008

RANK 10.

YES, RANK 10! >:D

Fernt, Faqu, Feng and I were planning to do the Missions 9-1 and 9-2 for a while now, but we kept getting sidetracked or someone was busy. Finally everyone was ready today. :D In 9-1, we had to kill a Roc at the island in Batallia Downs. I, a 74 RDM, would pop the two Rocs, zone with them following me, and as I zoned Faqu would voke the big one, Suparna. Somehow it didn't depop after I zoned and we ended up with me dead and having to fight both... Amazingly, we survived. >.>

9-2 was supposed to be harder, but it went surprisingly well. :) We traveled to the Qu'Bia Arena where we got a couple of cut scenes. The fight would be in two parts.

The first part we would have to fight a total of 20 mobs. 18 normal orcs, 1 RNG orc that won't sleep, and 1 WHM Warmachine. We began with Feng, as BLM, casting Sleepga II on everything as I, PLD, rushed in and aggroed them. Then we proceeded to kill the Warmachine, then RNG, then the other orcs.

After we killed the last orc, Part 2 began.

Prince Trion joined us, but he's stupid and will rush off and starting fighting one of the 3 orcs, whether we want him to or not. >.>

Anyway, I tanked the big PLD orc while Faqu tanked the BLM, which we were lucky Trion was fighting too. The order of the fight was BLM -> PLD -> DRK. Thanks to Hollyjade for coming to help with the fight, we won~! :D

Hellooo, 100k and San d'Orian Flag. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats koneko-chan! now do it 3 more tiems so your rank 10 everywhere!!