Friday, April 25, 2008

Carbuncle Mitts + Aquarius

Event of the day:

Carbuncle Mitts

Kaishen, Fengpopo, Montek, Autoshot, Williamo, Dtang, Riyuki, Goliathe, and I came to this event. Riyuki, Dtang, Goliathe, Williamo, Goliathe, and I were the oes who need it. With the amount of people we had, killing Crimson-toothed Pawberry was easy. ^^

Random NM:


Riyuki had spotted Aquarius running around the Boyahda Tree, so Fengpopo quickly rounded up some people to help her. Knifes, Daio, Autoshot, and I came along. Of course I had no purpose. >.> Daio owned it. It dropped Fransisca too~!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dynamis - Bastok!

Today I went to my first Dynamis run with Kai. :3 Onikuu was there too~ I was really nervous since I never had done Dynamis before. o.o;; It turned out to be a lot of fun and exciting. ^^ Even if there were a couple of wipes. haha

The Interlopers~!

Dynamis - Bastok wooo.

I was main healing the tank party. It wasn't that hard, but I kept running out of MP during mob fights. ;-; Had to wait till they killed it to Convert.

Three (?) Dark Knight AF2 feet, two Samurai AF2 hands, and a pair of Summoner AF2 hands dropped. ^^ No one wanted the other two DRK AF2.. too bad they had to rot. XD;

The trains were crazy. o.o

We wiped twice, once in the middle and partially at the end. ^^; Even with all of those deaths, Thorondor said we did a really good job with the small amount of people we had. Amazing lol.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Divine Might!

Today's goal was to finish Divine Might. >:3 I was invited to a run with Kaishen's sky(?) LS, KittyKommandos. Very exciting~ The stratergy was Super Tank. A paladin (the super tank) would aggro all of the Ark Angels and kite them while a party healed him. The other two parties would pick one at a time off and kill them.

We gathered together at La'Loff Amphitheater. I was nervous, never done any DM or anything in sky before. o.o;;


The first run was a wipe. ^^; It was only a trial run so everyone wasn't worried.

The white mages Raised III all of the dead and after their weakened wore off, the next run began.

The next run went smoothly. ^^ It was quick, even with a few deaths. When it came down to the tarutaru, everyone ganged up on it. XD

This DM run was a complete success~ Thank you everyone~! :D

Knight's earring {mine}

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wrath of the Griffon

Ieatschicken (Telemachus), Kaishen, and I went to Jugner Forest [S] today to the quest, Wrath of the Griffon. ^^ The orc was easy. I'm enjoying the quests and missions in WotG. :3 They have interesting storylines~

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Abdhaljs Isle - Purgonorgo

After getting Feng and I our Ballista Licenses, I decided to try out Ballista. Sadly, not enough people were there so the match was cancel. :( Auto suggested we try Brenner, Diorama - Purgonorgo Isle. So I checked to see if we could reserve a time block, and luckily we could. ^^ Onikuu, Autoshot, Fengpopo, Bizzle, and Fokion came along for some PvP fun~! Oni was MNK/NIN, Auto was BLU/THF, Feng was SAM/WAR, Biz was THF/NIN, Fok was PLD/WAR, and I was PLD/RDM. ;) The fights were uncapped.

First Oni, Fok, and I were on one team and Auto, Feng, and Biz were on the other.

I don't think most of us knew the rules, we just wanted to beat each other up. XD

Shaiming: 1 | Autoshot: 0

Shaiming: 1 | Fengpopo: 0

Shaiming: 2 | Autoshot: 0

Bizzle got ganged banged. XD

Shaiming: 3 | Autoshot: 0

After the first match, Feng had to leave. D: But we switched up teams for variety.
I love Diaga-ing shadows. XD

Brenner was loads of fun. haha ^^ PLD/RDM ruuuules~! I would love to do this again, but we need more people! >:D