Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dynamis - Bastok!

Today I went to my first Dynamis run with Kai. :3 Onikuu was there too~ I was really nervous since I never had done Dynamis before. o.o;; It turned out to be a lot of fun and exciting. ^^ Even if there were a couple of wipes. haha

The Interlopers~!

Dynamis - Bastok wooo.

I was main healing the tank party. It wasn't that hard, but I kept running out of MP during mob fights. ;-; Had to wait till they killed it to Convert.

Three (?) Dark Knight AF2 feet, two Samurai AF2 hands, and a pair of Summoner AF2 hands dropped. ^^ No one wanted the other two DRK AF2.. too bad they had to rot. XD;

The trains were crazy. o.o

We wiped twice, once in the middle and partially at the end. ^^; Even with all of those deaths, Thorondor said we did a really good job with the small amount of people we had. Amazing lol.

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