Saturday, May 17, 2008

Promyvion - Vahzl

So out of the blue today, Kai asked if anyone was up for CoP 5-2. And coincidently, our long lost static group was on. :D So we got together to finish Promyvion - Vahzl~

Chicken (Tele) - PLD, Mon - BLM, Auto - BLU, Feng - SAM, Me - RDM, Kai - WAR

The first was easy, we had no trouble dodging aggro, but once we got to the second NM, all hell broke lose. D;

Those AoE were nasty... After dying a couple of times, we were able to it.

The next NM shot out AoEs while I was converting... but we did manage to kill it the second time.

The last set of bosses went well. :D And now we're off to 5-3~!

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