After partying for a little bit, I was bored and wanted something to do. Coincidently, Autoshot was bored too so I suggested we do avatars. We wondered whether we could duo them or not. >.> I couldn't sub Ninja because I didn't get Ustsusemi: NI yet, and Auto couldn't go Warrior since he had retired it. We decided I would go RDM/WHM and Auto would go BLU/NIN.
Our first trial run was on Titan. It went fairly well, except in the middle when I was one-shotted by Earthen Fury. XD Fun.
Then we went to do Ramuh. Once we got to the Cloister of Storms, I had realized the day had just turned to Lightning Day... >.< It would be a waste to just leave so we went in anyway. Then I found out that I didn't have Barthundra. >.>;; So we were like, "Hey, lets do it anyway. If we kill him, we would be awesome." We beat him, amazingly. XD
Autoshot: We're pimps!
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